Planning a Small Family Wedding

Planning a Small Family Wedding

Wedding planning is one of the most stressful times in the lives of any couple. Keeping your nuptials a small affair will help with lowering the pressure of planning. But even a small wedding comes with the need to make sure everyone is informed. There is no time to...

5 Ways to Communicate Like a Confident Leader

5 Ways to Communicate Like a Confident Leader

Whether you’re communicating in person, by text message, in an email, or by phone, people are looking for confirmation that you, as the group leader, are confidently in charge.  Leadership is as much a fact (you hold the title) as a way of being.  You must...

The Text Message Group That Won’t Leave You Alone

The Text Message Group That Won’t Leave You Alone

Have you ever been sent a text as part of a group message on your phone?  (“Hi!  The house is finally ready and we’re moving Saturday! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!”)  You know how you felt compelled to respond?  Even though part of you...

The Importance Of Memorial Day

The Importance Of Memorial Day

Memorial Day is more than a day off from work to have a cookouts and pool parties. Memorial Day is the day we pause to remember the brave men and women who gave their lives protecting our country. The Civil War claimed the lives of 620,000 American soldiers, more than...

About CallingPost

CallingPost is an easy to use message delivery service that allows you to send thousands of phone calls, text messages or emails in a matter of minutes. Use your computer, phone or our mobile app to select a group, create a message and then deliver that message to everyone instantly!
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