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Planning a scout trip is a big task and often you can’t plan for certain things. This is where CallingPost comes in. From missing permission slips and trip cancellations to last minute schedule changes CallingPost is there to help make your scout trip the best one yet. But don’t take our word for it! Check out what our customers have said about us.

1. Missing Permissions Slips

“I am a Girl Scout leader for a troop of 15 girls.  Last week we had a field trip planned and the night before I realized half the girls had still not turned in their permission slips, nor had any of their parents responded to my email reminder sent earlier that day. Girl Scout rules state that we are unable to take any girl on an outing without a permission slip.  Unfortunately, I realized this at 6:30 pm just before walking out the door for an activity with my own children.  I initially thought we would have to cancel our field trip and then I decided that CallingPost could deliver my urgent message AND I could get my kids to their lesson on time!  All the girls in the troop received the phone message, the permission slips were signed and emailed to me that night, and the next day we went on our field trip and had a great time!” Sarah Rodriguez 

2. Trip Cancellations

“Our Boy Scouts groups were to go on a family camping outing but because of an unexpected and quick change in the weather, we had to cancel the outing at the last minute. With CallingPost, we called and were able to reach everyone quickly with the exception of the one person who moved and did not update her phone number. She and her family went on to the site anyway in the cold and bad weather only to find out it was canceled. CallingPost tried the number several times but to no avail. However, it was to the advantage of everyone else that we were able to get them the message in such a short time. Never trust the judgment of people to make wise decisions, call and make sure for the safety of everyone. That’s where CallingPost helped!”  Trenton Hall

3. Last Minute Schedule Changes

“My Girl Scout troop went to New York City for a day trip to see the sites.  We had a great day in Times Square, at the Wax Museum, and eating at the Hard Rock Cafe. After dinner the girls really wanted to try and squeeze in a trip to the Empire State Building, but that would get us back about 90 minutes late since we would have to take a different train.  No problem!  A simple call into CallingPost from my cell phone while standing on a corner in Times Square and all the parents were informed of the new pick up time back home!  Couldn’t be easier!” Joni Brennan

4. Late Arrivals

“Our Girl Scout troop was headed home in 2 vans after a busy, very rainy 5-day trip to Savannah, Georgia.  Suddenly the leader got a radio call–the second van had gotten its wheels stuck in the muddy road, and couldn’t move!  The first van turned around and headed back to help, only to get it’s wheels stuck too.  Over two hours later–after the tow truck we called had also gotten stuck and been hauled out of the mud with a tractor–the two vans finally reached a paved road.  But the group had to stop again, for a much-needed bathroom and refreshment break, and to clean the mud off the bottom and sides of the vans.  The leader used CallingPost to notify the parents that the troop would be almost four hours late getting home.  Since we were in an area where our cell phones did not work well, it was great to be able to notify all the parents with one call and to be on our way at last!” Tameka Johnson

5. Early Departures

“Our Boy Scout troop recently went on a camping trip to central New Jersey.  Friday night was fine, a little overcast, but nothing a seasoned troop couldn’t handle.  Saturday was a completely different story.  The rain started early and the wind gusts just kept coming in waves.  After a soaking hike we decided it was time to call the trip early.  We packed up as quickly as possible in the downpour and our Scoutmaster made the call to our parents from his cell phone.  I was leading the caravan with our troop trailer in tow. Before I could leave the parking lot my cell phone was ringing with our Scoutmaster’s message.  I knew right then that everyone else at home would get the message too and save us all a lot of communication time as we headed back up the Parkway.” Mike Miller

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