Planning a Small Family Wedding
Wedding planning is one of the most stressful times in the lives of any couple. Keeping your nuptials a small affair will help with lowering the pressure of planning. But even a small wedding comes with the need to make sure everyone is informed. There is no time to...
5 Ways to Communicate Like a Confident Leader
Whether you’re communicating in person, by text message, in an email, or by phone, people are looking for confirmation that you, as the group leader, are confidently in charge. Leadership is as much a fact (you hold the title) as a way of being. You must...
Communication Is Critical During Weather Disasters
More than 300 tornadoes have devastated the Midwest over the last few weeks turning the average tornado season into the 4th worst on record. The seemingly average tornado season has become increasingly extreme as the typical average is 280 for the entire month of May....
The Text Message Group That Won’t Leave You Alone
Have you ever been sent a text as part of a group message on your phone? (“Hi! The house is finally ready and we’re moving Saturday! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!”) You know how you felt compelled to respond? Even though part of you...
The Importance Of Memorial Day
Memorial Day is more than a day off from work to have a cookouts and pool parties. Memorial Day is the day we pause to remember the brave men and women who gave their lives protecting our country. The Civil War claimed the lives of 620,000 American soldiers, more than...
CallingPost Helps Spread the Word Regarding Dangerous Measles Outbreak
AUGUSTA, GA, May 16, 2019 – In a story covered by NPR, the Washington Post, the Detroit Free Press and other major news outlets, CallingPost was named as the tool that helped spread the word about a dangerous measles outbreak and how to help contain it. A man...
How Best to Use Your CallingPost Free Trial
So, you have signed up for your free trial! What do you need to do next? There are a couple of things that you’ll want to do to ensure that you make the most of your 25 credits. Gather a List of All Your Members In order to create your first group and add members to...
Secrets to Becoming the Best VBS Director
It just happened. You said you would “start small”, see how it went. But from the first time you helped a child glue googly eyes to a paper plate you were hooked. You loved dancing and singing songs with crazy hand motions, telling bible stories and seeing the...
How to Convince Parents to Send Their Student to Summer Camp
With summer quickly approaching most youth ministries are in the midst of planning for camp. As leaders we must be prepared to answer some of the questions that parents raise when discussing the benefits of camp. Worried parents can perceive camp with more drawbacks...