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AUGUSTA, GA, May 16, 2019 – In a story covered by NPR, the Washington Post, the Detroit Free Press and other major news outlets, CallingPost was named as the tool that helped spread the word about a dangerous measles outbreak and how to help contain it.


A man from Israel who had first traveled to New York to raise funds in the ultra-Orthodox community there next traveled to Michigan, carrying, unbeknownst to him, the measles virus.  The virus spread rapidly, and local medical authorities needed a way to communicate news about the outbreak and vaccination clinics to the insular community.


Working with the rabbinical leadership, Dr. Steve McGraw, the EHS medical director for Oakland County, Michigan, recorded a message to send out via CallingPost, an easy-to-use message delivery service that enabled the team to ring 1,200 cell phones in the community with the information. Several other messages followed.


“We’re very pleased that CallingPost was able to make such an important and large-scale community outreach possible,” said Phil Alexander, CallingPost’s founder.  “Emergency communications like this are just one way our users stay in close contact with their communities.”


Measles is a very serious disease, and there are now outbreaks in 19 states.  Most people think of measles is a children’s disease, but all 39 cases in Oakland County were contracted by adults.


“If you need to spread the word about measles vaccination in your communities,” Alexander said, “CallingPost is ready to help.”



About CallingPost

CallingPost is an easy-to-use group communication solution that enables group leaders to communicate with all of their members at once via phone, text and email.  Used by communities, schools, sports teams, religious organizations and business groups, CallingPost empowers leaders to keep even far flung groups organized, engaged, and in the know.

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