Avoid The Holiday Stress with Scheduled Messages

Avoid The Holiday Stress with Scheduled Messages

Share this:Christmas is the busiest season of the year. Nearly one quarter of Americans report feeling “extreme stress” around the holidays, according to a poll by the American Psychological Association. With every party, play, program and get together your holidays...
Reaching Your Audience Just In Time

Reaching Your Audience Just In Time

Share this:Decisions on how to send out messages in the 1990’s were primarily based upon urgency and budget. If money was tight or the issue was not pressing, then the USPS was fine for sending and receiving a letter in a week or so. If the message was urgent, then a...
Increasing Alumni Participation

Increasing Alumni Participation

Share this:From the moment a student has turned their tassel they have earned the title of alumni. Not only is it a significant moment in the life of a student but it is a significant moment in the life of the institution. As an administrator in an educational...
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