CallingPost for Coaches, Schools, Civic Groups and More!
CallingPost began as a solution to a very common problem. CallingPost was founded by Coach Phil, a soccer coach for his sons youth soccer team. He loved teaching the kids and making them happy, but there was an aspect of volunteering that he did not like; the constant...
Keep Customers Informed with Personalized Calls
Keeping customers informed is an important part of any business. You want to let them know about any changes, new products or services or important awards you’ve won. But how do you do that? There is social media, of course. Many people turn to Facebook or Twitter to...
Expanding Groups to Include Children’s Caregivers Increases Communication
It’s an hour before your youth league game and thunder clouds are rolling in. Weather reports indicate the storm will hit right around game time so the league has decided to postpone it. Thanks to your CallingPost account, you can record a message and quickly send it...
Spring Means Start of Tornado Season
This year’s tornado season has started off as one of the deadliest in at least a decade. That means early warning systems and taking proper precautions are increasingly important. A tornado, or twister, forms when warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico collides with...
Coaches Have Easy Way to Inform Players of Game Changes
Rain, rain, go away! As a coach for youth baseball teams in the past, rain was a constant concern for both games and practices. If it rained hard enough, I would have to cancel a practice or call off a game. The hardest part, though, was how to notify the players on...
Make Reminder Calls to Boost Event Attendance
You’ve got a big event planned and excitement is running high. But the night of the event, only a handful of people show up. The most common excuse for the failure to attend is “I forgot.” But there is a great solution to keep people on track with your scheduled...
Get Men Involved to Spur Church Growth
Gender gaps and equality are discussions filling recent news reports but there is one area where a sizable gender gap exists without much notice – a lack of men in the church. According to Church for Men, the typical congregation in the United States is comprised of...