Becoming the Ideal Coach
Being the "ideal" coach isn't always easy. Players, parents, and fans alike often have differing options about the decisions you should and shouldn't take, making finding the fine line between pleasing everyone and doing what's best for your team difficult at times. Making sure to manage your time efficiently can set you apart from the pack and transform you into the coach every parent wants for their child.
5 Easy Ways To Make Your Neighborhood Safer
There used to be a time when everyone left their doors and cars unlocked, that time has long since passed. It is important now, more than ever before, to stay diligent when it comes to the home safety. Here are some tips to help ensure that you family and home stay...
10 Things You Should Know about Thanksgiving
Before enjoying your turkey and football here are a 10 things that you should know about Thanksgiving. From the first Thanksgiving to how much turkey Americans eat, the article below gives some interesting facts about our national day to give thanks. 1. Numerous...
Are You a CallingPost Rewards Member?
If not, you’re missing some great opportunities to save money using CallingPost! Signing up is easy! Just click on the menu at the top right hand corner, go to the Rewards Center, then click ENROLL NOW. Here’s how you can earn points and save: TELL YOUR...
What CallingPost Means to Team Parents
When we think of team sports, generally we think of the players or even the coaches. CallingPost provides the perfect software to coaches that works for players to keep everyone in the loop at all time, while keeping the coach organized. CallingPost, however, is...
Avoid These Dangers on the Information Super Highway
If you’ve ever had cause to stand next to a busy highway with cars and large trucks rocketing by, you know it’s a dangerous place that can quickly get you in trouble. The information super highway moves even faster and can present very real dangers as well. Here are a...
6 Reasons You Need to Train Your Staff
Many companies focus on giving their customers the best service and products, but the key to providing the best is having great employees. The key to creating great employees is making sure they are trained to do their jobs and do them well. Whether you’re hiring...
Maximizing Your Time: A Case Study
Tommy has been a great CallingPost customer for years with his church, but just became a Soccer Coach for his children. He shared his story with us to share with all of you.....