Make Meetings More Efficient and Productive
How often has this happened to you: Just as you’re entering into the creative and strategic part of your project, it’s time for a meeting. The third one of the day. With a heavy sigh, you take your seat in the conference room, aware that your project will have to wait...
It’s Time to Manage Time Wisely
Twenty-four hours. That’s all we get each day. It is the great equalizer – the rich can’t buy any more, the elite don’t get an extra share, no apps exist that will extend the 1,440 minutes in a day. The question, then, is how to make the best use of those precious...
The Most Important Ingredient to Success
It has been called the “most indispensable part of any organization”. It has been found to “outperform those without it by up to 202 percent.” In Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, it takes up the entire second half of the book. “It” is effective...
Using Small Groups to Build a Unified Church Family
“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” -1 Corinthians 12:12 I can still remember the first time my dad took us to a church small group. We had been attending the same church for awhile, and found out...
Five Tricks to Growing Your Business on a Budget
Looking for suggestions to growing your small business, but don’t want to lose an arm and a leg? Here are some great tips to build up your business, thanks to CallingPost! Maintain a Professional Website While a Facebook page or WordPress blog site might be a great...
Organizing a Major Event? Here are Some Tips!
Planning a major event may be a lot of work, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Here are some helpful hints from CallingPost to step up your planning ability. Create lists Even the best leaders feel overwhelmed when trying to plan an event. The best way to...
Communication with Ministry Teams
Problems in communication between church ministry teams and church members often occur not because there is too little communication, but because the avenue of communication is not effective. We have a child involved in the church youth group that meets once a week....
The Genius of Teamwork
By Patricia Fripp, reposted from Patricia Fripp True teamwork is the rarest, most exhilarating, and most productive human activity possible. Every business wants to harness this incredible energy, but achieving such a level of motivation and esprit is not always easy....
Quickly Inform Groups About Storm Cancellations with CallingPost
The temperature is dropping. The wind is howling. Wait, are those snowflakes? Winter storms can play havoc with scheduled events. If the winter storm becomes severe, you may need to cancel events for sports or church – or even your business. You can add an...
CallingPost Case Study – Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army in Augusta, GA
Everyone is familiar with the bell ringers in front of the stores this time of year. The Salvation Army is a great organization who uses the funds from bell ringing to provide resources and support to those in need. The Salvation Army needs volunteers to ring the...